medical professional sitting at a desk while talking on the phone

Injuries on the job can happen at any time. Does your company know what to do when an injury occurs?

Severe injuries are often self-evident and require immediate action such as calling 911. Some injuries, however, may seem minor or start that way, leading to delayed reporting. Establishing an effective system to ensure timely reporting and prompt care for ALL work-related injuries maximizes recovery for the injured employee and minimizes the business impact of the loss. Nurse Triage can help you report and determine the appropriate action when dealing with those injuries that are not a threat to life or limb.

What is Nurse Triage?

QR code to scan with your mobile phone to add Nurse Triage hotline to your contacts

Nurse Triage is a convenient, cost-effective, care-centered resource that is available 24/7 to support timely reporting and appropriate treatment for work-related injuries that are not life-threatening. It does this by:

  • Using the skills of a registered nurse for an initial assessment non-life-threatening injuries
  • Providing the employee with a user-friendly experience and options for the most appropriate medical attention based on injury sustained and the workers’ compensation rules for your state
  • Supporting self-care when appropriate for injury sustained
  • Taking care of reporting the claim to Nationwide, so that you can focus on your employees

3 steps to effective Nurse Triage

Step 1: Promote the benefits of reporting all injuries

Benefits abound for both the injured employee and for your business. A true win/win opportunity.

Step 2: Educate on when calling the Nurse Triage hotline is appropriate

Know when to use the Nurse Triage hotline; it is a great resource.

Step 3: Communicate the procedure

Ensure all necessary parties understand how and when to use the Nurse Triage service.

Nurse Triage action steps

Step 1: Promote the benefits*

Injured Employees Business
Access to a medical professional 24 / 7 Easy access to medical advice supporting quality care
Registered nurse advice to guide personal care decisions Prompt reporting of injuries
Supports social distancing and minimizes time the employee is away from work Reduces employee time away from work
Assist the employee in locating providers for any follow-up care needs RNs help your business comply with the state workers’ compensation rules

*These are only a few of the benefits of using the Nurse Triage service. If no further medical treatment is sought, there is no cost for this service.

Real-life testimonials from Nurse Triage users:

Testimonial Graphic_tcm149-21812

Step 2: Educate on when calling the Nurse Triage hotline is appropriate

Some Typical Scenarios... What You Should Do...
It’s a serious and / or life-threatening injury (e.g., fall from heights, laceration causing significant loss of blood, struck by falling object). Call 911 immediately so the employee can receive emergency treatment. Then report the injury to Nationwide at 800-421-3535.
It’s a non-life-threatening injury (e.g., broken bone, laceration requiring stitches, concussion). Refer the employee to an authorized treatment provider if your state permits, or call the Nurse Triage Hotline at 855-777-7090 for assistance. If Nurse Triage Hotline is not called, please report the injury to Nationwide at 800-421-3535 after medical treatment is received.
It’s an injury and you’re not sure whether medical treatment is needed or what type of treatment is needed. Call the Nurse Triage Hotline at 855-777-7090, for guidance on how to proceed.

Step 3: Communicate and use your procedures

  • Review resources associated with Nurse Triage
  • Establish business use expectations
  • Formalize the procedure to written policy
  • Train key personnel in the process
  • Audit Nurse Triage usage. Provide additional training or coaching, as necessary

How can I request additional assistance from Nationwide?

Need more assistance in managing manual material handling in your organization? Contact us online, schedule a virtual consultation, or get in touch with your independent agent or local Nationwide Loss Control Services representative.

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